The last couple of days of this trip are here and we have had a busy time. We went out into the bush outside Winton to take landscape shots.
See the captions for the shots (below each image):

(Above) Skull Hole outside Winton - the scene of a massacre of Australian First Nations people.

The highlight of the last day in Winton was getting access to the archives belonging to the Winton Historical Society. These archives are something special - not every remote town has such a well maintained and professionally curated collection. The material related to Willie Mar (Mar Yen Shoo) has been lovingly and carefully preserved thanks to the dedication of the community and professional anthropologists.

Before we left town we had a great chat and a coffee with the main woman behind the Crack Up Sisters - the incredible Amanda-Lyn Pearson and her partner Will (see last pic).
The house is full of quirk, like this disco shower. If you want a great house, get a grant to employ 47 artists to do the interior and exterior decorating!
Below is our last meal in Winton - I'd had enough steak, having had it for the last four meals in a row.

This is the penultimate post for this road trip - last one tomorrow evening. Thanks for reading.